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时间: 小龙 自我介绍

  创意英语 自我介绍是一切社交活动的开始,是人际交往中与他人沟通,建立联系,增进了解的一种最基本、最常见的形式。为此小编为大家精心推荐一些创意英语自我介绍优秀例文,希望对大家有帮助。


  Doodle a round face, a pair of jiongjiongweishen eyes, soft like a silly putty nose, plus a big mouth, this is what I -- Zou Shaoming.

  I have a feature, a quick slow.

  One of my quick meals is fast. When I eat, I eat like a pig, and I swallow my stomach without tasting it. In order to prevent me from eating the whole meal, my mother stipulated that I could not finish the meal in 15 minutes, or I would be punished for the next meal. I had to obey my mother's orders for the next meal. You don't say, it works!

  One of my slowness is to do my homework slowly. When I do my homework, I always think about the chess pieces of chess, and I can't finish my homework at 7 or 8, and I wish I could turn it upside down.

  Despite all my shortcomings, I still have some advantages. I like reading books very much. In the morning, I also sneak a peek at the book. I like to read in the toilet most, let mama call the throat break, I still be intoxicated in the book.

  What? I'm a small book fan with both advantages and disadvantages?


  The world we live in is like a garden, and everyone is a flower in the garden. "People are different, flowers are red", each of us has his own character. Interest in it. Hobby. Special skill... Here, let me introduce myself. Small eyes, long black hair, a cherry-mouthed mouth. This is me.

  I have one bad thing: cry. If anyone bothers me, my eyes will be like a faucet, tears of water will not stop, alas! Actually, I don't want to be a delicate girl, but I can't turn off the faucet.

  Remember once, it is on the way from school, a girl in our class, accidentally bumped into my ears, knocked off the my earrings, the ear is bleeding, I cried, a few girls in our class are all in the comfort me, but they who can't comfort me, I was crying.

  I have one big advantage: persistence.

  That day, I and my friends peeled peanuts and started, we thought it was a fun, and we started to get off the ground. We haven't peel to a half, however, we feel boring, my friend went to watch TV, and was watching TV when I want to walk into the room, my ears echoed her mother's words: to do things stead fast, perseverance. Then I sat there and skinned the peanuts, and finally, I persisted, and finally, a small, slow set of peanuts appeared in front of my eyes! This is a small test of my perseverance. I see my sea, I see my results, I am so happy!

  This is me, a lovely little girl who loves both crying and perseverance.


  In nine years ago, April fool's day that day, my daughter, at that time, my eyes is very small, small as a line, but, now I has big eyes a lot.

  Don't look at me as small and thin as a wooden stick, but I am very strong.

  One time, I wrote my homework at home, my mother went out to buy food, my mother was out for a long time, and my house doorbell rang and "dong" opened the door to my sister. The voice is my uncle. I took two steps and walked to the door, and I asked, "what is the matter with my uncle?" My uncle said, "I took some oil and a few bags of rice, sunny, and let your mother come down and get it!" I hurriedly say: "mother is not in, I come to help you take!" I ran to the front of the rice and oil without saying anything, a bucket of peanut oil in my left hand, right hand holding a bag of rice, I quickly took the two things, ran upstairs to put something down, go down, again and again, I have to quickly take, ran, it wasn't long before things are I moved out, uncle saw, touched my head, praise me.

  You see, am I a hercules?


  Hi everybody! My name is Yang xx, I am twelve years old, and I will go to school.

  When I was a kid, people said I was like a boy, yeah, I didn't have any girls. I was like a monkey, happy, like mad, and jumping. Dad said it's natural to stop jumping! But where would I listen?

  My hobby is maths and English. Math teacher and an English teacher is very like me, especially the English teacher, for me, always put the magdalene teo's face, the math teacher, too, baby face to face every time I, and my math and English is always good. Of course, Chinese is the same.

  I like watermelon and mango, they taste very good, you might as well try it!

  I like to run. He has a lot of advantages for my body. I have a big idea that I want to be a great entrepreneur, so I also like sky-blue and silver-white, which means I'm flying to the sky.

  I am a very competitive person. Exam, other people better than I did on the exam, I defy spirit, work harder at ordinary times, the results achieved better results, because I know, only the sea - heart cavity children, will succeed!

  My advantage is brave, I bravely go to all the competitions, and have to attend, you must back to hold a certificate, otherwise, I would not willingly. My disadvantage is that I do not love to raise my hand, and I often say to myself, is my hand as heavy as a kilo? Afraid of? I'll raise my hand tomorrow! But the next day, I was like a mouse, and I shrank to the hole, and I wouldn't fix it.





