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时间: 小龙 自我介绍

  入党推优活动是指向党组织推荐优秀团员作为党的发展对象的一项活动。 推优活动遵循民主评议的原则,引导同学们们公正公平投票,顺利选举出推优对象。那么入党推优自我介绍应该怎么说?为此小编为大家精心推荐一些入党推优英语自我介绍范文的优秀例文,希望对大家有帮助。


  Teachers, dear students, everybody is good, I am from XXX XXXX. Would be glad to participate in the party reply today.I have been waiting for a long time waiting for this moment.I think, when I learn the knowledge, if not really use to actually, can feel it's a pity, and I now as a dry, deep into the work among the students has always been my aim.Establish the principle of inspiration from the party from the masses to the masses to the service tenet.Therefore, in the party school training time although very short, but I've learned knowledge to guide the road of my life.My goal is, is to join the communist party of China, fundamentally to help more people.I don't have any advantages and disadvantages is too.Because I am a people who do not allow yourself to make mistakes.Even for one small thing, I also want to at all, strive for perfection.In the school served as XXXXXX, done XXXXXX in the class, has played in the school activities of XXXX.Although participated in many activities, for me, those are for test of my ability, but the harvest is the fruit of life.Today, I want to gain a bigger fruit, that is, the party organization, please test me, let me become a party member, do contribution for the people!


  I am a ordinary college student, but I have a unusual life ideal.In my heart, is an advanced and glory of the communist party of China's political organizations, and as the growth of the age more and more, I firmly believe that the communist party of China the aim of serving the people wholeheartedly, is my most fundamental goal in life.To build a better society contributes own strength and unfold own life value in the process, improve the self is my heart desire.So, I once again call to join the communist party of China.

  The purpose of serving the people of the communist party of China, as well as her as the faithful representative of the national people's interests and the nature of the Chinese leadership core of the socialist cause, basically explains her glorious history and prosperous now, also predicted its inevitable brilliant future.In life, as long as the mention of party members, people will think of advanced.Remember last year when I came home, I told only on second grade's mother when I graduate from school, she was particularly delighted, said to me, I have a special ability to be pursuit to join the party elders life always not get;In the heart of mother, her son is only more than 20 years, and he quickly has graduated from the school (that is, he is going to become a member of the communist party) proving that his son is very good.Then I also when talking of this matter to the retired elders, he also greatly praise to me.Yes, although we also often see some corrupt party members, but there is little doubt in the minds of the people, party members almost became a synonym for activists.When people need help first thought is the Chinese communist party.

  In 1998, just enter the university, I submit to party a first party membership application form.I am a like aspirant, unwilling to lag behind, from childhood to high school life let I firmly believe that the Chinese communist party is an organization that advanced collective and glory, so as early as in high school I was looking forward to will soon join the party.I come from a common and difficult of rural households, due to support the whole family had to help his mother at an early age.About the past it is worth mentioning is that I from university tuition fees in quite a number of books from the school and the society, to this day every year I also from hubei province federation of attaching importance to receive financial aid.Poverty makes me more profound than the average person to appreciate, without the warmth of society, there is no colorful university life, today I don't even have a family happy.Exercise at the same time, poor me, from the ability, also make me more mature on thought.At home, in the society, I learn to handle their peers in the face of difficulties and problems;At school, perhaps because I know more hard-won learning opportunities, from the elementary school higher grades on my grades until high school has always been more prominent, and often served as the class cadre and student cadres.These precious experiences let me experience as a man should be unyielding and race to the top, at the same time also let me have the opportunity to deal with their peers and adults, feel for others and the significance of maintaining the whole social interest.Life and the people around told me: the meaning of life, as zhang haidi, is giving, not taking.The communist party of China is such a party for all the people some welfare, so I want to join the communist party of China.

  Now it seems that the above is not really mature thought.The melting pot in the university, I thought after panic and hit a new record high.I think a person alone is not enough, should also be positive in their own words and deeds to influence others.A good people know to maximum exert its potential, not only in their own positions conscientiously, care for the people around you, but also practical, flexible to drive everyone to care for the interests of the state, the collective and others.It is very challenging to me, and a member of the communist party's responsibility is such, be willing to serve others and to lead people to care about people.As a party member, I think I will have the opportunity to more excellent molecular study, take the long fill yourself short of others, at the same time in the collective interests, adhere to the principle of do get along with the people around you;As a member of the communist party, I will always tell myself to be more strict with himself, more profound increase their social responsibility consciousness and the determination to overcome difficulties.


  Dear party:

  I volunteered to join the communist party of China, is willing to fight for the communism cause.I sincerely love the party, she is China's vanguard of the working class, faithfully represent the interests of the Chinese people of all ethnic groups, is the core of leadership for the cause of socialism in China.The communist party of China in order to realize the communist social system as the ultimate goal, with marxism-leninism, MAO zedong thought, deng xiaoping theory as the guide, is armed with advanced theories of the party, is to serve the people heart and soul of the party, is capable of leading the people of the whole country to the prosperity of the party further.She always represent the development of China's advanced productive forces, represent the direction of Chinese advanced culture, represent the fundamental interests of most people in China, and through the correct route policy policy, to achieve the fundamental interests of the nation and people and make unremitting struggle.

  From the student s, a string of the name of the flash - sister jiang, liu hulan, lei feng, JiaoYuLu, kong fansen...Gave me great enlightenment and education.I found them, and many a man much respected by my side has a common name - the communist party member;I found in the most critical moment always hear a word, the communist party member with me.This established my determination to become a member of them.I can participate in this great party as the highest glory and pride.

  Attend work, under the organization and leadership of care and education, I have the further understanding to the party.Party is composed of advanced elements in the working class, is loyal on behalf of the interests of the proletariat and the masses of working people.The party since its inception, always represent the interests of the people of all ethnic groups as the important responsibilities.On the party's line, principles and policies, reflects and embodies the fundamental interests of the people of all nationalities in the country;On the style of work and working methods, adhere to the mass line, and the mass line as the party's basic route to work;On the party member's action for the general party members adhere to the people's interests above all else, the interests of the individual subject to the interests of the people.

  The party to marxism-leninism and MAO zedong thought and deng xiaoping theory as the guiding ideology.The communist manifesto, published in more than one hundred years of history, scientific socialism theory is correct, socialism has strong vitality.The essence of socialism is the liberation of productive forces, the development of the productive forces, eliminate exploitation and eliminate polarization and achieve common prosperity finally.MAO zedong thought is based on comrade MAO zedong as the main representative of the communist party of China, the basic principles of marxism-leninism with the concrete practice of the Chinese revolution combined.MAO zedong thought is marxism-leninism, use and development in China is proved by practice of Chinese revolution and construction of the correct theory principle and experience summary, is the crystallization of collective wisdom of the communist party of China.Deng xiaoping theory is the MAO zedong thought under new historical conditions of inheritance and development, is the marxism of contemporary China, is the guidance of the Chinese people's victory in the reform and opening up to achieve the correct theory of socialist modernization.In reform, opening up and socialist modernization construction new period, on a journey across the century new, must hold high the great banner of deng xiaoping theory, with deng xiaoping theory to guide our whole career and all the work.

  The party is the core of leadership for the cause of socialism in China.China's revolutionary practice prove that there would be no new China without the communist party of China, without the leadership of the communist party of China, the Chinese people is impossible to get rid of the fate to be enslaved, become the master of the country.In the new-democratic revolution, the party led the Chinese people of all ethnic groups, in under the guidance of MAO zedong thought, after a long period of opposition to imperialism, feudalism and bureaucratic capitalism of the revolutionary struggle, victory, the establishment of a people's democratic dictatorship of the People's Republic of China.Chinese construction practice has proved that only under the leadership of the communist party of China, China's ability to prosperous and strong.After the founding, our country carried out socialist transformation successfully, has completed the transition from new democracy to socialism and established the socialist system and socialist economic, political and cultural got great development.Despite twists and turns along the way met, but the party with her own power to correct the mistakes, make our country has entered a more great historical period.Since the third plenary session of its eleventh central committee, under the guidance of deng xiaoping theory, under the leadership of the communist party of China, China has made remarkable development, the rapid development of productivity, comprehensive national strength has greatly strengthened and people's living standards greatly improved.

  The primary stage of socialism in our country the party's basic line is: the leadership and the unity of the Chinese people of all ethnic groups, taking economic construction as the center, adhere to the socialist road and adhere to the people's democratic dictatorship, adhere to the leadership of the communist party of China, adhere to marxism-leninism, MAO zedong thought, adhere to the reform and opening up, self-reliance, hard work, is to build our country into a prosperous, democratic and civilized modern socialist country.

  The Chinese communist party is the Chinese working class imbued with communist consciousness of vanguard, must serve the people heart and soul, at the expense of all of the individual, to realize the communism struggle for life.The communist party of China is always an ordinary member of the working people, not to seek any personal gain and privileges.Under the new historical conditions, the communist party member should reflect the requirements of The Times, to embrace lofty ideal of communism, lead the execution of the policies of the party and the country at the present stage, brave in exploitation, enterprising, does not fear the difficulty, not afraid of setbacks;To sincerely seeks the benefit for the people, the bear in the former, pleasure, suburban devotion, contribute more;To study hard marxism-leninism theory, strengthen the ability of right from wrong, completes the labor of duty to master the knowledge and ability, to create first-class achievements;To stand up in a time of crisis, safeguard the interests of the nation and people, and resolutely to harm the people fighting, harm society and endanger state behavior.

  I am determined to use own practical action to accept the party on my test, I solemnly to apply to the party: I volunteer to join the communist party of China, uphold the party's platform, in accordance with the rules of the party, the party member obligations, implement the party's decisions, strictly abide by party discipline, the conservative secret, be loyal, work actively, as the communism struggle for life, ready to sacrifice everything for the party and the people, never conspirators.





